Tuesday 8 March 2011

On being authentic

Now I'm not so narsisistic as to think that anyone cares what I put on this here little old blog of mine, however, I think I need an outlet for myself, somewhere to put things that I think are important or interesting, hence the random shot of cupcakes above! Incidentally they were my first go and they have sparkles....yes SPARKLES! get me, and my, were they good! In case anyone is interested the beautiful stand was £5 from ebay, my Aunt embroidered the table cloth and the china was cheap from a charity shop! I like to invite my friends round for lunch or tea and use my beautiful crockery, we jokingly call it 'posh lunch', but somehow it seems like more of an occasion when we use things that are beautiful and have history. I'm not precious about it, if something gets broken I would far rather that while it was being used than kept in a cupboard..........I am reminded of Irma Bombeck's poem written before she died about what she would have done differently during her life if she had another go at living it........... she would have used the best china and burned the beautiful candle shaped like a rose......That's partly why I want to record this stuff, life is too important not to use the good stuff.  I don't want to get old and wish I had done things differently. Obviously there are choices I could have made that may have been better for me than the choices that I did make, but I don't regret one of them.  Each choice I made has got me here to the place that I am in now, the present, my present, here now. I wouldn't change a thing, even the painful things because this has been my life, I have choices in how I choose to live it, and I am trying to make wise choices, listen to God (bad choices have been when I haven't consulted Him first).   Gosh I have just read this, I was going to post about how often I read blogs and the owners seem to live perfect lives (obviously not but they choose to blog about the great stuff) and I wanted this to be real, about me, not the nice tidy (hmmm, not sure when that was) house that I live in, but about me, warts and all, because if I can't be authentic and genuine here when I'm really talking to myself, when can I be?

By the way, I was going to confess that I am really bad at housekeeping! I would so rather be doing anything else than cleaning but ironically I love to have a clean and tidy house! With that in mind the following photo is of my best ebay purchase ever, I seriously LOVE this, it's in our hall and SO useful, probably the best storage we own.  I particularly love the little holders where I have put the photo for the person who's things are inside. Even though I had to drive 30 miles into the countryside in the worse blizzard (I kid you not) that I have ever seen to get it, it was worth every penny of the £10 I paid for it!
And yes, I did have to clear a ton of junk from the top and make it look pretty before I took the photo! lol!


  1. I think you make a really interesting point about bloggers lives looking so perfect. I know that for me, I like to edit out the not so good things (the kids feeding 20 dvds into the dvd player and breaking it, how I easily lose my temper and become a shouting mummy monster etc) because my blog is a place for me to focus on the good things in my life, to remind myself that these are the things that are truly important in life.
    I too am not good at housework, yet a clean and tidy home makes me feel really happy! I am unable to keep all the balls in the air; crafting; kids; housework, so when the crafting bug bites the housework ball drops and the tidiness of the house rapidly goes downhill! I too have taken photos for my blog and had to sweep off the junk beforehand!

  2. I have only just come across your blog and I too love the poem you mention. I have it printed out and stuck on the wall in my 'craft den' - sounds posh but it's only the spare room with a small desk for my sewing machine!!! Live your life well, as it's the only one you get.
