Monday 20 June 2011

Chickens and other things

Ok so I have missed this little space here.  I think with the addition of two little children for 12 weeks I haven't had time to do much more than look after everyone.  I am now feeling like I am on holiday as they have gone back to their original foster carer which was the plan all along, just that 6-8 weeks turned into 12.  I believe that everything has it's own timing, and ours for that journey seemed to be perfect for us. The chooks are laying daily, although we think they are all laying, not had a day with three eggs yet so hopefully soon we will be in full production.  We seem to be having lots of eggs though, poached is the preferred method of preparation around here at the moment!  Here as promised are some pics of the chicks:




treasure from our allotment

more thrifted finds - 50p each

I have wanted one of these for ages, an Acroc Cow butter dish - 50p!

lovely 1970's table cloth 50p

fairy skirt for Miss Noodle £2

beautiful linens £3 the lot

lovely table cloths - to be used as dolly shawls I think! 50p each!

just because I like to look at her picture!