Thursday 17 March 2011


He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.  ~Epictetus

There is no greater difference between men than between grateful and ungrateful people.  ~R.H. Blyth

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.  ~Thornton Wilder
Inspired today by am going to start listing the things I am grateful for here.  I think that I don't pay enough conscious thought to things that I should be grateful for, I take so much for granted.  Watching the unfolding horror in Japan over the weekend I was suddenly grateful for water running from my taps, something which I take for granted every day.  Listening to the radio and someone moaning about being stuck behind a refuse truck made me grateful that we have people who take our rubbish away for us every week.  We have luxuries that many dream of, but are we thankful? I realise I am not, so here I am going to try to be more consciously thankful.

Here is the start of my thankful list:

1. household utilities, I am thankful that whatever I need is just a switch away
2. health, I am so thankful that my family and I are healthy
3. the beautiful world around us
4. my friends
5. a roof over our heads, in the form of our lovely house, it's not perfect and there is much needing to be done to it, but it is our home
6. the internet, where I can connect with people and places that would not otherwise be open to me

I will aim to continue as and when I can...

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